
CSF Trading LIMITED, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Drone model, Drone fliers. Drone models for outdoor recreation.

 Express Delivery
How long will we have to wait for cargo to be delivered by drones?

The scuffle between online and bricks-and-mortar retail models has dragged on for too long. After all, both have their advantages. Online shopping is convenient, you can do it from the comfort of your home, and you can compare prices without leaving your sofa. On the other hand, shopping on the high street enables you to try out the products and you dont have to wait for your items to arrive by mail.

Retailers are trying to create a shopping experience that has the advantages of both online and bricks-and-mortar models. For instance, you can order online and then collect your items personally.

Amazons Prime Air service takes convenience a step further: you place your order and 30 minutes later, a drone will land in your front garden with the package. Except that, for now at least, you will have to wait for a bit longer because the online giant retailers service is still grounded.

The technology is there in fact, Amazon has been developing its Prime Air delivery system for the past few years. However, the service still hasnt been deployed due to safety and aviation issues.

Any news about the express delivery of drone models please visit www.drone-model.com or contact us directly at csf005@drone-model.com.

